Special Celebrations at St Joseph’s Church, Nandaly
Baptism of Billie Jane Marshman
On December 12, Billie Jane Marshman was baptised at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Nandaly. Billie is the daughter of Amanda and Darren Marshman and little sister of Levi of Beulah. This baptism was a bit more special as Billie Jane’s Great Great Grandmother, Mrs Roma Mitchell nee Cavanagh born in 1923 was one of the first babies to be baptised in St Joseph’s Church when it was built in 1926.
Not a lot happens here at St Joseph’s now a days but when these little things happen along we think it is special. Celebrations continued after Billie’s baptism at her grandparent’s home, Barb and Chris Hall at Mittyack. Pictured below is Amanda holding Billie and Darren with Levi.

First Eucharist and Confirmation
On November 14, 2021, a long awaited First Eucharist and Confirmation of Miss Layla Faith Kiley and Master Oliver William Brady was celebrated.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions this ceremony was put back many times but it did eventually happen. Fr James Kerr presided over the sacraments during Mass. Families of both Layla and Oliver attended. Layla’s godparent Matt Brady was her sponsor while Oliver’s sponsor was Emily Hayden.
Oliver’s grandmother, Jo Brady welcomed all to St Joseph’s Church for this special occasion making mention that the great grandparents of Layla and Oliver had raised and bought their children to Mass here in Nandaly and that this tradition still goes on and to remember these family members at this Mass.
Following Mass a barbeque was held in the park in Nandaly for all to enjoy.

The following is Jo Brady’s special welcome…
Welcome to St Joseph’s Church Nandaly. Not only do we gather to celebrate Layla Kiley and Oliver Brady making their Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation here in St Joseph’s Church, but we also celebrate 95 years since this Church was built and blessed in 1926.
Layla, your great grand parents raised their family in Christian faith in this very church, as also your grandfather and father have links to St Joseph’s. Oliver, you also had your great grand parents raise their families in this church, your granny and poppy both continue this tradition here and still do today.
We as parents ourselves hope that this can continue on and today is a very special day that one day down in time you may both come to realise the importance of this celebration. Along with parents, grand parents, family and friends we wish you both love and best wishes to you for now and the future.

Farewell to Bev Cooke
2021 at St Joseph’s Church Nandaly saw the farewell of long time parishioner Mrs Beverly Cook OAM. Bev made up her mind to move to Bacchus Marsh to a retirement village. Bev has been a prime mover in the previous parish of St Mary’s Sea Lake. Bev held the position of secretary for many years as well as Chairperson of St Mary’s Parish Council up until we joined with the Holy Family Parish, Northeast Mallee. Bev was also an Assembly of the Word and Eucharist leader at St Joseph’s. We celebrated an 85 year reunion at St Joseph’s Nandaly and Bev was a big part of organising this, helping out by supplying book material, cooking and most things that go with back-to’s. Bev has been a tireless worker and very active parishioner and she will be greatly missed. We wish Bev good health and happiness at Bacchus Marsh
and Bev, it’s always good to see your face back at Nandaly. God Bless You, Bev.