Children’s Sacraments
Our parish celebrations of the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist are an occasion to joyfully welcome children in to full communion with the Church. Celebrating the sacraments allow the children, together with their families, to take their place at the altar. As followers of Jesus, they too are invited to join the parish in bringing their thanks to God and their own commitment to live his ways.
Following Diocesan policy, our usual procedure is for children to celebrate their Confirmation in grade 3, followed by Reconciliation and Eucharist in grade 4.
Unfortunately, ongoing restrictions and lockdowns have meant we’ve had to postpone our celebrations of Confirmation and First Communion a number of times now. A number of families have already completed their preparations and are just waiting for conditions to open enough for a fitting celebration. At this stage it looks likely we should be able to do this from mid November onwards. We will give more updates as circumstances become clearer. In the meantime though families can contact the parish on 50324144 or [email protected] if they have any questions.