A Prayer in the midst of trials and confusion
Christ, full stop.
The truth doesn’t need defending, the truth defends itself. Recognise also the opposite. Lies and half-truths don’t hold up. Ultimately lies only serve to bring about the truth.
Instead we should focus on Christ! Period! He is the answer. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. He is the Saviour. He will redeem humanity and reconcile all things to Himself (Col 1:20) – in His way and in His time. And His timing is always perfect. Salvation history is His-story – the story of His incredible love for us. We are in a spiritual battle, but it’s His fight (for us, for our love) and although the battle rages on, the war’s already won. The final victory is His, and it’s through Him, if we but endure.
So WAIT. Do not be anxious. ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ (Ps 46:10); ‘The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still.’ (Ex 14:14). Stay in your lane and WAIT.
And while you WAIT, get on with it! Live your life well! Live it to the full! Don’t overthink things! Get on with your daily duties and responsibilities, and give thanks for them.
Love well those I have placed in your life. Accept your daily crosses but enjoy your daily blessings also. Push on. Work hard. Play/socialise well, careful to not under-take too much. And take your rest. And in all these things, know that ‘I am with you till the end of time.’ (Matthew 28:20)
So carry on. ‘Put kind constructions where you can, and where you cannot, be silent’ (Mary MacKillop).
Joyfully, confidently, be faithful and obedient. This will speak volumes and itself counter the lies. Be my light and a beacon of hope. And WAIT. WAIT until I call you to move and respond (Shekinah). WAIT so as to not impede My Kingdom. And while you wait, live for Me and love for Me, loving one another as I have loved you – freely, fully, faithfully and fruitfully.
Remember ‘He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.’ (1 John 4:4).
All will be well! ‘TRUST in ME!’
Be not afraid, you were born for this!
Viva Cristo Rey!