Last Mass St Michael’s Lalbert
On Sunday 16th October we were delighted to have over 60 faithful join us for the Final Mass of Thanksgiving in St Michael’s Lalbert. We had former parishioners return from Ouyen, Cobram, Eurora, Mitiamo, Bendigo and Melbourne (and I am sure I have missed a few there!). There was a group photo after Mass, before we moved to the Community Centre for some fellowship and plenty of stories and laughs.
My sincere thank you to everyone who made this day so special; for the locals who prepared the Church and Community Centre and had them looking spick and span; for all those who brought food to share, and for those who helped lay out the tea and coffee and cleaned everything up afterwards; for all those who helped pass the word around so well- it was amazing how it travelled; for those who brought photos and memorabilia, and for those who shared some stories. It really was a community event.
I would also like to add a sincere thanks to our Lalbert regulars for keeping the Church alive and open for as long as they had, but also for the maturity in making the call on its future. There is real sadness in closing a building that houses so many memories, but I think there is also room for some healthy pride- for the vision and generosity of the pioneers who established and built the church, for the way in which it has truly fulfilled its purpose in being a home for faith and community, and for the dedication and energy of the faithful in keeping it open for so long.
Fr James Kerr PP

A Parishioner’s Loving Ode to St Michael’s
Farewell St Michael’s Lalbert
We entered your wooden doors
The key that hung behind the pipe
Will open them no more.
To every priest appointed
Through mud and heat and dust
For your dedication, sincere ‘Thank you’
For the sacraments,faith, trust.
Within, you held life’s emotions
Over the many years
Weddings, baptisms, funerals
Celebrations, solemn tears
Children, families, young and old
Gathered inside your walls
Afterwards socialising, morning tea
Talked politics,crops, footy scores
Blessed meeting place
For community once so strong
Times have changed, People gone
Accept and move along
Farewell St Michael’s Lalbert
Final prayers, a gentle nod
The Mass has ended, go in peace
Thanks be to God.